As an admin, you have complete visibility of all company employees and can effortlessly locate and update individual information. For bulk updates across multiple employee profiles, you can utilize the import function. More details about updating company data can be found in this article.
How to update a specific user
Go to Asset Management in the navigation bar, click on Employees.
Here you see all employees added to Velory in alphabetical order. You can search for the name in the search bar or use the Filter option.
- Click on the three dots on the right and then Edit to be able to update information about this employee, such as add a specific attestation manager for this employee or select a budget.
- After you have made changes to the employee profile, do not forget to click on Update employee in the bottom of the page.
An employee can also update their own profile, but they will only see the personal information section.
How to remove a user from Velory
Follow the steps above to find the employee details page, from this view you can Remove employee and that means you remove the employee without initiating an offboarding process. This action removes the user from the platform without requiring any selection related to units linked to the employee. Any hardware assigned to the user will remain in the system but will be unassigned
When users are removed using this method, their email address will be made available for reuse. This process is suitable for cases where a user has been mistakenly entered or when an individual doesn't require the standard offboarding process for specific reasons.