A budget consists of a number of smaller budgets that are linked to different categories, for example "Phones" and "Computers". A budget indicates the maximum amount a user can spend on equipment within each category. By default, the company setting allows employees to purchase items only within their allocated budget. However, your company might have chosen to allow product requests exceeding your assigned budget, companies then have diverse methods to handle the excess amount. For further details, see your company's digital policies and budget information or talk to your company admin.
If your company has the store available for employees you as an employee can see if you have a budget assigned to you by going to Your details in the navigation bar, then click on the tab Budget.
More information about budgets
Renews: A budget is set with a specified renewal period indicating the period for when the device can be renewed.
Allowance: This is the amount and payment method that is available for you in this budget category.
Quote: Within the renewal period your company may choose if there should be unlimited or limited purchases within the renewal period. For example; If the category 'Phone' is added with limited purchase amount 1, and you have purchased a phone, then you are not able to purchase another phone until the renewal period has passed.
Usage: When you have placed product requests that have been approved your budget usage will be deducted from your total allowance.
Available: Shows the remaining balance available in your budget for purchases.